Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Earn and Learn in Your Online Home Business

Earn and learn in your online home business - so the headline screams!

Your interest is aroused... as earning online takes on a whole new meaning and you drift into a reverie and quietly reflect on the freedom your newfound home business will bring you.

Chances are some master marketer or self proclaimed online Guru has you pinned in his sights with this compelling catch cry, or perhaps its one of the big MLMs with its ultimate home business opportunity. And so you join up ... to learn and earn. But do you?

The master may teach you much via the many technological advances available on the internet. But how much is withheld? Do you just pick up fragments of the whole 'puzzle'?

Does your online mentor work with you one on one and take you every step of the way by the hand, so that your success is indubitably assured and your online marketing efforts bear real fruit?

Is he working to build you a downline and then have you duplicate his marketing methods as you pass on all that you have learned.

The old maxim 'teach a man to fish and you will feed him for life' certainly holds true when this teaching method is imparted.

Is your mentor accessible when you need him?

So many online home businesses never get off the ground - not through want of effort or a desire to learn. The real help sought was simply not to be found in some e-book, online marketing course or some video broadcast! To earn more money you need to learn in the most supportive and nurturing of marketing environments. Take this away ... and be assured.... you don't EARN ........ you BURN!

Work to pass on all that you have been taught, for assuredly it will be returned to you a hundred-fold.

As you learn, ensure they learn, and that they impart to their students what they learn.

In the complimentary roles of both master and student you will then launch your online business to meteoric heights and earn an income that you can barely comprehend right now.

To follow this theme further and find out more about how and why our 'earn and learn' approach works, do feel free to visit my Profitable Home Based Businesses For U blog.

My name is Dale Calder. I live in Auckland, (the City of Sails), New Zealand and I am married with two adult sons.

I am actively involved with NZPCS in mentoring a small group of people on a one on one basis showing them how to profit handsomely online without any out of pocket expense on their part.

Additionally,I am also a certified Worldprofit e-Business Consultant, having recently graduated from the Millionaire Bootcamp.

I would be happy to help you "find your feet" and set you on the path to internet success.

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